Saturday, July 12, 2008

week 7 #16

I took a class at UAF last summer in Science and they were really into making wiki's.  There wiki's however were for registered members only.  We had to log onto a site to add our information.  SJCPL subject Guide was an easy wiki to follow and get information from.  THe book lovers wiki was limited though.  I think for school libraries a book review wiki would be a good idea.  I am always looking for a good read a loud for my students.  I try to read different ones every year so I can expand my novel reading.  I use to read the same books year after year to my students but last year I started to read new ones.  I read the book first myself and then to my class.  If their was a book review wiki I could check to see what other teachers though about a particular book.  Sometimes I think a book is really good but my students aren't really into it as much as me or vise versa.  


Ann said...

Hmmm. Should we ask AKASL to start a book review wiki for all the school and YA/Children's librarians in Ak? That could be interesting. Maybe a blog would be a better choice. I will have to think about that.


Jill said...

I think a book review wiki would be a fabulous thing. I just like the ability to add a thought about the book or who is reading it. Think that would be fun.