Sunday, July 13, 2008

Week 9 #21

This is one thing I am familiar with podcasts.  I took a class last summer that taught us how to create podcast.  My students enjoy these activities because they love hearing their own voices.  I explored ""  this was a neat website and they had reviews and interview on people.  I found some useful information on, I could so my students some examples from this site and allow them to create their own podcast after they saw an example.  I usually have them create on by doing step by step instructions.   

Week 9 #22

I was not very successful on this website.  I would type in a book title, and the book was not listed.  I tried searching by author and was still not successful.  I just looked at one of the books that were listed.  I would use this resource in my classroom once I can navigate the site better.  I like the idea of using this site for special education students.  During SSR I could use this resource with my special education students so they can listen to a story maybe a few days out of the week.  

Week 9 #23

This was a fun class and I learned a lot.  I enjoyed how this class was self-paced so you could work at your own time.  I would log on at night so I could spend the day with my family.  Some classes don't allow you to do this since you are in the classroom 8-5.  Some of the activities though I wish I had someone to help me out with though.  If you read the directions you will figure it out though.  I was trying to post my avatar the first week and wasn't successful at first because I was pasted the address in the wrong area.  If I had an instructor I could of asked for help. Since I didn't I had to reread the instructions to post the avatar I was finally successful.    Thanks for everything I enjoyed the class.  

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Week 9 #20

The video websites that I explored were Yahoo video, google and jumpcut.  My favorite site is yahoo video.  I think I like this site because I am familiar with this site and use it often.  Some of the videos that I choose were current events that were listed on yahoo's website.  Some of the videos were the changes that airlines were making.   I choose this video because gas prices are effecting everything we do.  I think some of the video's would be beneficial to the library website. One collection of video's that might help the library could be clips on the elections.   

Week 8 #19.1

Three things I learned:

I learned how to make and use shared folders

How to add EBSCO host to my search box

How to add links from a specific source to Link Source

week 8 #19

This website was neat and again I have another account.  I added my five books to my library and most of my book were not popular like I thought.  The most hits I got was 1050 and that was Super Fudge.  I did all of the books my students enjoy as read alouds.  I thought it was neat to see other peoples reviews of the book and I agreed with their book reviews.  I found a lot of book reviews on some of my favorite books.  I will use this website to help me review books I might want to read aloud to my students.  I also have a 8 year old daughter who loves books and I am always looking for a good series for her to read.  I myself like James Patterson Books to read in my personal time.  During the school year however I seem to read only children books.    

Week 8 #18

Wow, I have registered for so many new things during this class that I hope I remember all of them.  I have used all of the same user names and passwords so I hope I can find everything.  I thought Zoho writer was really neat and a program I will use a lot.  I like how you can work on and off line and also how you allow people to view what you are writing or leave it private.  And I like the tools they have like spell check and all of the other tools you would need to create a document.  I was wondering if you could work on this document with other people looking at the document and making additions to your paper? If you can this would be helpful for a group project.  

week 7 #16

I took a class at UAF last summer in Science and they were really into making wiki's.  There wiki's however were for registered members only.  We had to log onto a site to add our information.  SJCPL subject Guide was an easy wiki to follow and get information from.  THe book lovers wiki was limited though.  I think for school libraries a book review wiki would be a good idea.  I am always looking for a good read a loud for my students.  I try to read different ones every year so I can expand my novel reading.  I use to read the same books year after year to my students but last year I started to read new ones.  I read the book first myself and then to my class.  If their was a book review wiki I could check to see what other teachers though about a particular book.  Sometimes I think a book is really good but my students aren't really into it as much as me or vise versa.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

week 6 #15

The two articles I read were "Away from Icebergs" and "Into a new world of librarianship."  My thoughts about "Away from Icebergs" was agreeing with most of the points the author talked about.  I agree with him about teachers asking the librarian for help when researching things and the lack of assistance the librarian has with training teachers on how to use resources.  Librarians have a hard job because they have students and teachers always asking for help or assistance when looking for research.  Also the author talked about keeping books that are out of print.  The North Pole Public Library has so many books that many of them aren't even on the shelves they are on book carts because of limited space.  I'm sure that a lot of the books get used.  Library 2.0 means good things to happen in the future for finding resources to increase my students learning.  Library 2.0 means to school libraries an easier way to store resources and informations for their schools.  

Week 6 #14

Wow, I am surprised on how many people blog.  I have heard of blogging but have never taken part in it.  When I went through Technorati and typed in school library learning 2.0 I can across a lot of sites.  Most of the sites were interesting to me while reading them.  The sites with kids sharing their ideas and thoughts was very neat.  I had the same results in the blog tags and blog directory.  For me looking through the blog directory was easier and more time efficient.  Looking through blog tags took longer.  While looking through popular blog, searches and tags the only thing that surprised me was how many people blog out there.  Like I said earlier I am surprised with how many people blog.  I don't think everyone one is familiar with blogging and once more people are aware of it I am sure the numbers will sky rocket.   

Week 6 #13

I think using is a good tool for organizing websites.  I agree with this tool being like a bookmark for filing materials.  I have a lot of websites saved under my bookmark tab and need to organizes them.  I plan on trying to help same me time when looking up different resources.  I can also share some of my resources with coworkers and leave comments on sites that are helpful to me or why I used this particular site. They in return can leave their own comments and information for me to see.  I can see the potential of this tool for research assistance.  By being able to add comments people can research the information under and read other peoples comments and add their own.  Libraries can take advantage of this by having websites marked for teachers who are looking for a specific topic.  I looked at the cartoon websites and this was interesting.   

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 5 thing #12

Creating a voice thread was fun I created one in a previous class I took.  My link to the voice thread is  This was a fun activity and very quick to create.  I would use voicethread in my classroom for a way to present new information to my students or for my students to give a report on something.  In a pervious class the instructor showed examples of his students giving a report on earthquakes, which turned out really neat.  The voice tread tutorials are very helpful and useful.  I think students would enjoy hearing their own voices so they can have ownership of their own work.   

week 5 thing 11

For my discovery exercise I choose  I picked this website from the short list.  I enjoyed craigslist because it is like an online garage sale/ classified ads.  The ads are organized by subject you can find what you are looking for easily.  For Alaska you have ads from fairbanks and anchorage and other small cities.  I could of bought a lot of things I didn't need.  The sites useful features was the way the site was organized in category.  I could find used cars all the way to a washer and dryer.  Some of the ads had pictures attached so you could see what a house for sale looks like all the way to what a TV for sale looks like.  I don't think this site would be used in a library setting for children.  I think it would be useful in a public library though since people are always looking for a good deal or a job.  Craigslist even has job postings.   

Week 5 thing 10 continue

To view my magazine cover click on the ? icon.

Week 5 thing 10

 I hope this picture does post.  I made a magazine.  The website address is

This was an easy activity and I look forward to doing this project with my students.

Web 2.0 chapter reviews on 1,2,7 and 9

New World, New Web, New Skills (chapter 1)
This chapter made me realize how technology is changing daily.  Every year and day new programs are coming out to increase computer usage.  "We are wired 24/7" this is a true statement society realizes on technology for everyday lives. 

Students and Learning (chapter 2)
I feel that some students are more computer efficient then some adults.  Children are learning younger and younger how to use the computer and use technology as a part of their everyday lives.  "Of American households, 71% have Web access."  Schools are requiring students to use computers to do homework and have Web access to research information for assignments.  

Online Safety and Security (chapter 7)
I feel that online safety is a big concern with students.  I think at school students are safe because of the filters on the computers limiting web access.  At home is a different story, "Parents want to take primary responsibility for guiding their kids' use of the internet."  I think many kids find away around this restriction and get onto sites they shouldn't.  My students often talk about myspace and facebook which I feel should be monitored since they are only 9 and 10 years old.  

New Schools (chapter 9)
For students to have a brighter future " there has to be a commitment to education, broadband and computer access, and policies to make sure that students are abel to compete in the global market."  I feel that more and more jobs are requiring employees to be computer literate.  School are the stepping stones in education students in technology to prepare them for the competitive work force.  

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #9 week 4

This week I explored different blogs and news feeds.  This exercise was fun and I found a lot of resources I plan on using when school starts again.  Bloglines was o.k and easy to follow.  One of the topics I researched was earthquakes and volcanos and I found a lot of information.  I teach this subject for 5th grade science and my students are really fasinated with this topic.  This site was easy to find information on since you just type in a keyword to search.  Google blog looks a lot like bloglines both sites allow you to search under a keyword.  Technorati is very easy to navigate and one of my favorite sites because fairbanks news comes up on the first page along with U.S news.  This is a site I will look at often because I like to see what is happening in fairbanks daily.   I could not get to open up after I tried several times.  Blog pulse was neat and LA and LV was online to chat.