Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week 3 thing #6

#6 Mappr, Trading Cards, Movie Posters, Magazine covers and More
All of these resources were really neat.  We are getting ready to go on vacation this week and I made a map for my daughter of all the places she has been in the world.  While making the map I realized that I want to visit other places instead of the same old places year after year.  This year for school one of my goals or ideas is to help my students create trading cards or movie posters during computer time.  Children love seeing their pictures and parents love receiving their pictures.  

1 comment:

Ann said...

Another idea is to have them do book reviews with a picture of the cover on the card and 4-6 line review.

I love the fun at Flickr Tools - I spend way too much time playing with it.
